Dave Ikiedei Asei


The Governor of Bayelsa State has set in motion to increase its Internally Generated Revenue through the tourism sub-sector of her economy.

The vision of Douye Diri’s administration to bring prosperity to the state is no doubt manifesting in various shores of the economy. One of such programmes is the Development of the tourism sector of the state.

In line with his target in bringing prosperity to the people of the state, he wasted no time in making sure that the Bayelsa International Airport was made to function properly. That is why he quickly completed all the necessary regulatory framework needed to get the airport in operation.

There is no gainsaying that the tourism sector when properly harnessed could generate more funds that the oil and gas revenue accruing to the state. It is in the light of this drive that we should take a look at how the tourism industry has performed in both the developed and the developing economies world over.

What Bayelsans should look out for in the commencement of flight operations in our brand new international airport.

Let us take a look at some of the gains expected from this doggedness from the prosperity administration-

  1. Cultural exchange

Air travel provides vital links for the burgeoning global tourism industry. It is estimated that over half (58%) of all international tourists travel by air, so the aviation and tourism industries depend on each other for sustainable growth. So the operations of the Bayelsa Airport, we will hopefully have a fair share earnings in the tourism sub sector to boost the internally Generated revenue (IGR) of our dear state

  1. The tourism sector

Tourism makes a major contribution to the global economy. It supports 319 million jobs and contributes $8.8 trillion to world GDP (10.4% of the global economy). By 2029, the World Travel & Tourism Council expects tourism to provide 421 million jobs globally. And Bayelsa State is expected to have her fair share of this income, all due to the visionary leadership of Governor Diri.

  1. Aviation's crucial tourism role

Tourism is essential to economic development strategies in many developing countries, particularly in remote regions far away from their source tourism markets that rely on a steady inflow of tourists. Without the influx of tourists, their economies would decline significantly.

In Africa, an estimated 7.7 million people are employed as a result of the continuous arrival of overseas visitors, most of whom arrive by air. In 2018, these workers contributed $44 billion to GDP in African economies. In some Caribbean countries, tourism provides one of the few means of economic growth.

Aviation’s contribution to tourism employment and GDP is significant:-

1. Direct: It is estimated that globally 19.6 million jobs in tourism are supported by spending of foreign visitors arriving by air. This includes jobs in industries such as hotels, restaurants, visitor attractions, local transport and car rental, but excludes air transport industry jobs.

2. Indirect: A further 16.4 million jobs in industries supplying the tourism industry are supported by visitors arriving by air.

3. Induced: These direct and indirect tourism jobs supported by air transport generate a further seven million jobs in other parts of the economy, through employees spending their earnings on goods and services.

4. Including direct, indirect, and induced effects, air transport supports over 44.8 million jobs within tourism, contributing around $1 trillion a year to world GDP.

5. Sustainable tourism

Tourism plays a major role in supporting sustainable economic growth. Responsible and sustainable tourism provides important service sector jobs, while preserving and appreciating the earth’s natural resources, rather than depleting them. However, there needs to be a focus by both tourism operators and governments to ensure environmental and social impact is considered, as well as the economic benefits.

There are some great examples of economies taking a proactive strategic, holistic, and sustainable view of tourism development, such as New Zealand, Costa Rica, Iceland, and Bhutan. The World Travel & Tourism Council sets out some key principles for responsible sustainable development in ‘tourism for tomorrow’:

6. Impacts natural and cultural environments in a positive way

7. Provides benefits to all sectors of society, including young people, women and indigenous peoples

8. Attracts and develops a skilled workforce to support growing demand

9. Stimulates consumer demand for sustainable products

10. Uses latest technology to find innovative solutions to challenges such as overcrowding in popular tourist destinations

With the above, I thanked the Governor for making this dream come through. Definitely, Bayelsa State IGR will soon increase, courtesy of the miracle Governor and his able team.

Long Live Governor Douye Diri!

Long Live the People’s Democratic Party!

Long Live the good people of Bayelsa State!


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