Dave Ikiedei Asei


If you are familiar with Yenagoa, the capital city of Bayelsa State.  (Night view of the city)

State before the prosperity administration of Governor Douye Diri, you will know that some sections of the city was experiencing high level criminality. To mention but a few, the popular Tombia roundabout, hospital road, Gwegwe, down Yenagoa etc, but through his urban renewal drive, criminality in those areas have been drastically reduced.

With his administration’s efforts in the Urban Renewal drive in  the state capital, Yenagoa many of the criminal hideouts and brooding abides and illegal structures defacing the beauty and tourism friendly atmosphere of the city have been demolished and reconstructed and some are still undergoing the reconstruction and rehabilitation process.

One of the duties of a focused and visionary administration is to provide the needs of the people of the state as well as making the environment conducive for residents and tourists visiting  the state, especially the state capital to enjoy their stay. This, the Governor has demonstrated the will and capacity immensely in what he has done and still doing in making sure that the state capital and its environs are kept fit and making sure that the Master plan of the state capital is implemented to make residents live a more comfortable and secure life with a reduced rate of criminal activities.

Just get to the Tombia roundabout, you will notice that it has been transformed into a tourism attraction centre with minimal funds as well as clearing the mess was created by marketers.As you can see, the horrible and terrible experiences of hold-ups and criminal elements using the blocked and tight nature at the Tombia roundabout that existed then to provide favorable breeding grounds for robbery that caused devastating activities in the vicinity has now been minimized to the nearest minimum.

Another location that such urban renewal drive has helped free flow of traffic is the Opolo market, the Kpansia market, Swali market where such urban renewal activities have helped to keep many of the criminals out of those places in addition to making the free flow of traffic for motorists and pedestrians easy access to go about their normal duties.

The Governor is not unaware of the pains many of the affected traders are going through and has made plans to ameliorate the sufferings caused by this drive to make our state capital and its environs maintain a befitting status as a modern city’.

In every city, demolition of illegal structures which provides haven for some criminal elements in the state and also constitute nuisance and serves as breeding grounds  for criminals are demolished.

No responsible Administration could fold its arms to allow such illegal structures springing up daily without approval by the necessary organs of state authorities to continue. When the drive started, many people thought otherwise, but as we speak, residents of the city have come to see the wisdom and vision of the prosperity administration in carrying out this exercise.

Urban renewal is necessary as it entails renovation or restyling, buildings and other related activities , intended to give an attractive, more up-to-date appearance which is what is happening in the state and should not be viewed as punishment meted out to selected residents of the state.In our neighboring State, Portharcourt, other state capitals and even in Abuja, such actions were carried out which led to a more conducive environment for residents.

Had this form of exercise been carried out since the State was created in 1996, the city could have turned to a modern city by now. But thank God for raising a courageous leader like Douye Diri to do the needful.

As you could see, the harrowing experiences of motorists at the Tombia roundabout, Kpansia and Opolo markets and the Tombia-Airport (Amassoma) road is now history.

Let us remain positive and support the innovative ideas of the miracle Governor and his able team to improve the Yenagoa city and its environs.


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