Dave Ikiedei Asei


Almost all of us are ecstatic when we begin a new project. Keeping the enthusiasm alive over time, on the other hand, is a challenge for many people. 

Source of Knowledge 

Unless there is an influx of external energy, G. Gurdjieff suggested that energy fades at certain points in the progress of every project. Because we can't guarantee that we'll get an energy boost from somewhere else at the correct time, here are some strategies for keeping our enthusiasm high.

1. Use visual reminders of your goal.

Develop visual reminders of your goal and the advantages you will experience when you reach it. The classic example is that if, when you achieve it, you will be able to afford that luxury item you are yearning for, get your photograph taken with that item (e.g. go to a car showroom, sit in the car of your dreams, and have a friend take a picture), and place the photograph where you will see it daily.

2. Develop tiny steps.

It is easy to become discouraged if each step looms large, and requires a major expenditure of time. If you break the project down to extremely small steps, then you can make some progress even if you have only five minutes. It may be something as small as setting out the materials for the next step, but, nonetheless, it is progress.

3. Make a list of small steps to complete. 

Check off those minor steps as you complete them, and clap yourself on the back for your success. Focus always on progress you have made as being just as important as the distance you have to go

4. Cut out, or at least cut down on, your time-wasters and mind numb-ers.

Learn to identify the various time-wasters that you use to "numb out." Then avoid them as much as possible. The list may include too much TV, chat-rooms, computer games, time on the phone, shopping, mind-altering chemicals such as alcohol and other drugs, or other behaviors in which you indulge fairly obsessively.

5. Get enough rest and sleep. 

When we feel compelled to work harder on a job, we frequently work longer hours and sleep less. In this decade, the figures on sleep deprivation are alarming. It is true that certain great leaders have been reputed to function on very little sleep. However, most of them were in such positions of power that they could catnap when they chose, and they did. It is essential to our efficient functioning that we get enough sleep. Your project will suffer if you do not.

6. Keep a journal of the advantages of your project. 

Journaling entails using our bodies and the language side of our brain to express ourselves about whatever we're writing about. By getting both of these associated with the benefits of the project, you become more fully involved with it. Do this especially at the start, when your energy is high. Add to this journal whenever you can, and re-read it regularly.

7. Don't talk about your project with people who are threatening to rain on your parade. 

You're aware of others who fear that if you achieve, you'll drift away from them. Others simply do not want to watch you set unrealistic goals and then be disappointed. They're well-intentioned, but don't let them put a damper on your party. Practice ways to change the subject if they try to talk about your project.

8. Maintain your physical health. 

We seem to be bombarded with health-related material every time we open a newspaper or magazine, or go to a website. Eat well, exercise often, and drink lots of water... You're familiar with the routine. The trick is to stick to it so you can devote the necessary physical energy to your project.

9. Stay away from all-or-nothing thinking. 

When we fall into the trap of all-or-nothing thinking, we start to assume that hitting a roadblock or failing at one point implies overall project failure. Keep in mind that each step is only a modest one. If one fails, try another in a different direction while keeping the broader idea in mind.

10. Organize the decks. 

Other *stuff* that collects around us when we are concentrated on one project is a huge source of energy loss. Make time to prevent heaps (physical or mental) from forming. If necessary, file the documents. If you keep a to-do list, make sure you stick to it. They will drain your energy and overwhelm you if you don't. You may believe that completing these things will take time away from your project, but they will really free up more energy to help you complete it successfully while keeping your excitement high.


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