Re:2023, Jonathan meets with Coordinators

Re:2023, Jonathan meets with Coordinators 

Joseph Braye 


The South South Presidency advocacy group has observed with dismay unfolding Media reports alleging  that former president GoodLuck Jonathan met with South South leaders coordinating his return to the presidency in 2023.

The reports also alleged that chairman of the South South Presidency advocacy group chief Diekivie Ikiogha attended the meeting  during  which GoodLuck Jonathan indicated interest in their campaign and asked them to return to their states to continue with their campaign. 

The reports would have been ignored in the light of  trivialities but for the need to put the records straight for correct public perception .

For the avoidance of doubt, at no time has former president GoodLuck Jonathan appointed coordinators to work for his return to the presidency. As a matter of fact the question of GEJ inviting coordinators or any other group by whatever name to a meeting for the purpose of his return to the presidency is a blackmail and a ruse. 

From all indications the reports are figment of imagination and sponsored by some desperate aspirants and their cohorts who are scared and threatened by public opinion calling for his return. 

The issues raised are not only  unfounded, but false and deliberate attempts to cause mischief and confusion. They are the handiwork of some toxic and mischievous petty minds. 

Former president Jonathan is one of the foremost political figures within and outside the country and could be consulted by any group at any time on political issues and to tap from his wealth of experience.

To misconstrued and associate such visits as portrayed by a section  of the media is to say the least unfortunate and laughable. 

The involvement of the Chairman of the South South Presidency advocacy group chief Diekivie  Ikiogha in the reports also indicate lack of understanding of the role of the advocacy group which is committed to the emergence of president of South South extraction..

It is therefore commonsensical that such a group is expected to visit leaders of the South South geopolitical and other zones for consultation from time time. The group had carried out such consultative meetings in different States within and outside the South-South geopolitical zone and will continue to do so in the interest of our zone and the country at large. Nigeria is looking for good governance, and if former President Goodluck Jonathan is competent and could deliver the country from insecurity and other economic and social challenges, every group is free to call him to come back and serve in that capacity.


  1. How I wish GEJ will contest again,I believe he will correct a lot of damages that has been done to this country Nigeria.


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