
Showing posts from February, 2023

Gov.-Diri's-SSA-on-Tourism-Commends-FG-Over-Approval of-N117-billion-for-Oloibiri-Oil- &-Gas-Museum-and-Research Centre-in-Bayelsa

  Gov. Diri's SSA on Tourism Commends FG Over Approval of N117 billion for Oloibiri Oil & Gas Museum and Research Centre in Bayelsa The Senior Special Assistant (SSA) to Bayelsa State Governor on Tourism, Dr. Piriye Kiyaramo has commended President Muhammadu Buhari for graciously approving the contract sum of N117 billion for Phase-1 Engineering, Procurement & Construction of the Oloibiri Oil & Gas Museum and Research Centre project in Bayelsa State with a completion time frame of two and a half years. Dr. Kiyaramo who made the commendation when he received the Acting Curator of the Oloibiri Oil & Gas Museum and Research Centre, Mrs. Rachel Adelani in his office in Yenagoa on Friday, informed that crude oil sites are now being promoted all over the world as special interest tourism niche destinations to attract visitors and adventure tourists alike to such places. He added that: "The story of the Oloibiri Well 1, where crude oil was first discovered in commerci

Gov.-Diri's-SSA-on-Tourism-Seeks-Collaboration-with-BIPA: ...As-DG-Reiterates-Need-for-Tourism-Road-Map.

   ...As DG Reiterates Need for Tourism Road Map. The Senior Special Assistant (SSA) to Bayelsa State Governor on Tourism, Mr. Piriye Kiyaramo has said that his main purpose of seeking collaboration with the Bayelsa Investment Promotion Agency (BIPA) was to stimulate economic  growth and development, assuring that he is optimistic that the collaboration will produce a workable marketing strategy to export our own cultural products.  Mr. Kiyaramo who stated this when he visited the Director General of Bayelsa Investment Promotion Agency (BIPA), Barr. Patience Ranami-Abah in her office on Tuesday in Yenagoa, maintained that tourism can boost the revenue profile of Bayelsa State, by creating thousands of jobs, as well as plant a sense of cultural exchange between tourists and the host communities.  According to Mr. Kiyaramo, the collaboration between the Bayelsa State Investment Promotion Agency and his office,  would focus on developing new cultural products, geared towards increasing th