
Showing posts from April, 2017

Chief Amb. Lawal Africas bags another Chieftaincy title in Ellu Kingdom in Delta State.

Chief Amb. Lawal Africas bags another Chieftaincy title in Ellu Kingdom in Delta State. Dave Ikiedei Asei 09/04/2017                                                                     Chief-Amb-Lawal-Africas-bags-another-Chieftaincy-title-in-Ellu-Kingdom-Delta-State Without Peace, development will be a mirage, that is why we all need it badly. That is why we owe Amb. Chief Lawal Africas a lot in Peace building in the Niger Delta and the Nation at large. At various times, Amb. Chief Lawal Africas has resolved seversl disputes in Ogbia, Nembe and other Kingdoms in South-South Nigeria which brought total peace in those communities. As a reward of peace building successes he has to his credit, on 31st march 2017 which is the 5th year coronation Anniversary of HRM Othuke Murphy Urugbezi, Ogwara-1, the Ovie of Ellu Kingdom. Chief Amb Lawal Africas was conferred with the title of “Akeni” of Ellu Kingdom (Akeni mean elephant tusk) by the Ov

Government to unveil development agenda for Niger Delta

Government to unveil development agenda for Niger Delta By Collins Olayinka, Abuja   Government-to-unveil-development-agenda-for-Niger-Delta The plan for an integrated development of the physical and human development of the Niger Delta would be unveiled soon, the Special Adviser to the President on Niger Delta and Coordinator of the Presidential Amnesty Programme, Mr Paul Boroh, has disclosed. The Special Adviser, who stated this during a meeting between the Inter-Agency Committee on the Niger Delta and the Pan Niger Delta Forum (PANDEF), added that the blueprint would target ending militancy in the troubled region. Boroh stated that far-reaching consultations are going on and the governors of the states in the region and other critical stakeholders would be consulted for inputs into the blueprint before it is released. He said: “We are here discussing critical issues concerning the Niger Delta region and all we want to achieve is to come up with a working plan,


MUJAHID ASARI DOKUBO'S LETTER TO OBASANJO, A look at History, interesting, for posterity. 02 January 2014 Olusegun Obasanjo Balogun of Owu, Obansajo Farms, Ota , Ogun State. RE: BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE (RE: OBASANJO’S LETTER TO PRESIDENT GOODLUCK JONATHAN) Ordinarily, I would not want to dignify you with a reply to your ill-conceived letter, as that has a way of oiling your elbow or prop your self-importance - provoking your well-known self-will. I have also delayed my reply for one reason - to perfectly gauge public opinion on your latest onslaught against President Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan – President of a country full of mind-boggling contradictions that you’ve always, falsely regarded as your personal creation. At least that’s the spirit behind your insolence, impudence and make-believe that point to the fact that you’re above national censure, ideological / ethical direction and control. Finally, I have had to reply you because of the nature of my past encounter